
Divide and Multiply.

This is a dream, a dream for the world to see You
a dream for the world to know You, to love Your name

Lift up a shout, lift up a cry to shake the ground
Shout and the walls are coming down
Yeah, we're running after You.

Like meiosis and mitosis. Multiply. Magnify. Amplify. Let's do it. It's go time.


Clean House.

If you look hard you might find it. Just walk through the junk, take a look behind the clutter, it's there I promise. It just got lost a few times. Its purpose paled in comparison to others. But the others all failed. All it needs is a chance, for someone to look at it differently than before, for someone to see it for what it could be, not as what it is.

Find within this mess a heart that's still beating. Take it and use it. Renew it. Shape it. Shine Your light upon this restless heart.


This past week I volunteered at Camp Blessing, a camp for kids with special needs. I had become a little prideful in the days preceding camp. I kept thinking to myself how Godly I was for giving up my time to serve the Lord. So I puffed out my chest, jumped on my high horse, and headed to camp.

The Lord always says he will exalt those who humble themselves and humble those who exalt themselves. That is just what happened to me. Right before the campers arrived, our cabin leader sat us all down and read Luke 17:10 "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty."

Hello. I am unworthy. I could feed every orphan in Africa, cure cancer, and adopt 15 kids and I would still be an unworthy servant. Who am I to think that I am doing something above and beyond? This is what Jesus called me to do as a believer: to serve. And I think that I am better? That I am worthy? Everything good deed that I did this week at camp: every time I held a camper's hand, every time I served my camper food before myself, every time I held my camper and let her lay in my lap during worship because she was feeling homesick is like dirty rags compared to the Lord. At the end of every day, I am unworthy.

Who am I? I am a messed up girl with a wayward heart but thankfully by the grace of God through faith, I am a servant of Christ Jesus, and a pretty unworthy servant at best.