Somedays I wish I could perfectly articulate all that I experience in my world.
Somedays I wish I didn't have to wait for inspiration, that it instead was available to use at my leisure.
Somedays I wish I could just close my eyes and the scene before me would stop for just a little while longer.
Somedays I wish life was just that simple, that the way I saw the world really did matter.
Somedays I wish I was fearless.
Most nights I lie awake thinking that smiles and laughter is all that is good in life.
I start to put my hope in people and in circumstances.
I begin to believe in the power of what I can do.
But I'm so very wrong.
Yes, there is still beauty in the world, because we're still here.
Every smile, every sound of laughter, it all points to Christ. We were made in His image.
We're His children.
So shouldn't the children of God be beautiful?
There is beauty in us because of Christ. We were made for Him and that is reflected in who we are.
So all those nights, I sit in my bed dreaming of a better tomorrow, I'm really hoping for Christ. I'm dreaming of the day when my sanctification is complete, and I am with Him forever.
David tells us in the Psalms to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts. I once believed that if I turn to God, He would give me everything I wanted. But who am I to ask God for something I'm not even sure is right for me? Who am I to demand that God give me something because I, in my human mind and spirit, believe it is best for me? Everything is about God, whether we acknowledge it or not. Every person on this earth, every tree rustling in the wind, every creature under the sun, and anything else in all creation is screaming for Christ. He is the only thing that completes us. He's not the only thing that truly completes us, He is the only thing. There is no competition for Christ. There is only Christ.
Jesus is everywhere. I wish people saw that more. I wish I saw that more.
I wish I would spend less of my days worried about security and more of them worrying about loving Christ more.
I wish I would throw myself completely into my relationship with Him.
I wish I would let Jesus complete me.
I wish I could feel Him like I did again.
I wish somewhere in the middle of my dreaming and wishing there would just be peace, and Christ.
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