Well, I've been inspired to blog. Maybe it'll be a temporary thing. Who knows how long this will last. I'm a story person and I could listen to stories till kingdom come. I also love to hear about people's life. Not about the on the surface kind of stuff people tell you when you ask how they're doing. But I love to hear about people's struggles and triumphs. And maybe there's someone else who shares this love. So if you do, enjoy.
I just finished reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I highly recommend it if you want to be challenged. It's full of lets just say "crazy" stuff(the good kind of crazy). But the one thing that stuck out in my mind was when Francis Chan started to talk about being lukewarm. He talked about the Laodicea church in Revelation and even gave some real life examples of what being lukewarm looks like. He then talked about how we must actively pursue Christ and he used two metaphors that have stuck out in my mind.
Following Christ is like swimming upstream in a river. Any time we stop actively pursuing Him, we fall back into the current and start going the opposite way.
Following Christ is like turning around and running up a downward escalator despite the looks and stares we get from other people.
So, here I am. Attempting to run up a downward escalator. God's not going anywhere and He's always been here. I'm the one that's iffy all the time. James 4:8 says "come near to God and he will come near to you".
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