
The one with the letter

My birthday is on Friday. And my brother's is the week after. I should not be 18, and he should most definitely not be 20. Today we(my parents and I) received a letter from him at camp. It brought me to tears, and made me realize that he IS going to be 20 and that I have never been more proud to be his sister. I saw how wise he is and how much he loves the Lord. I started to picture him tired and exhausted from a day at work, pen in hand, attempting to convey all that God is doing at Pine Cove. I could hear the joy in his words as he described the friends he's strived with and see the journey God is leading him on. There was a softness in him that made me want to hop in my car, drive up to Tyler, and sit at his side and lean on him. There was also a part of me that wanted to take him away from this place, to make him come home. I miss him, alot. But I know full well he is in the Lord's will there. And I am so thankful for Pine Cove and their ministry.

My brother is awesome. Be jealous. :)

1 comment:

cal+claire said...

I am jealous! Haha
I'm glad y'all are doing so well, I know I am incredibly proud of my sisters and that's always a good feeling.
I'm so happy I found your blog!

<3, Claire (formerly Thompson)