I opened up the door and looked for a place to dump out the ice. The building seemed to be surrounded by flower beds, so I traveled down the stairs with the semi-large blue cooler. I reached the grass and proceeded to turn the cooler over to let the ice run out. I looked up and that's when it all clicked.
In front of me was a pond. It was a large pond, almost a mini-lake. To my right rested a cabin on the lake, while directly in front of me on the other side was an old, very small chapel. In the middle of the pond was a land bridge, so to speak. And on this land bridge were about seven to ten light posts, about waist high, each with a brightly lit lamp.
This represented my life and how the Lord was never going to leave me in the dark. He already has my path laid out, I just have to trust Him and walk in the way of the light. Right now, I'm standing at a crossroads. I've hit a fork in the road. And the Lord has not lit the next lamp, yet. But I have to trust that He will and that wherever He leads, I will follow.

I've always loved the song Healing is In Your Hands by Christy Nockels. On Sunday, our worship band played that song in church. And I look to my right and see my amazing/wonderful youth minister with tears streaming down her face. At that point, I didn't know the entirety of her situation. I knew she was having medical issues with her heart, and I knew she was going to have heart surgury. I was just not aware that it was going to be this Friday, in San Diego. And that she was also leaving that Sunday night for San Diego. But I knew she was going through alot. And I could see that she was trusting the Lord with all she had. I could see it in her face and the way she sang. I want to have faith like her. Faith where I can stand and look at a huge obstacle and challenge and look at my God and know fully that He has everything under control. I strive to be able to trust God like that.
In Sunday school, we go to our separate departments as usual and our leader talked about asking the Lord for things. Mainly what we should ask God for and why we should ask Him for those things. It all came down to what glorified God, which I'm finding that God's glory is what almost everything in life comes down to if not everything. But then our teacher gives us each a nametag and asks us to write our name on it and what we want to ask the Lord for.
We then proceed to the gym and find that every other grade in our youth group doing the same thing and also that our parents are in the gym. We then as a grade circled up and each of parents prayed over us. It then basically went into a free for all type thing where anyone could pray for anyone. Keep in mind that our nametag with our request is on the back of our shirts so that as people come and pray over us they will A. know our names and B. know what to pray for us. Also this is all going on simultaneously. And let me tell you, it is an amazing thing to get prayed over, and to get prayed over over and over again for a period of about 10 minutes. It is an experience that I can not convey through words. The sound that echoed from the gym was heavenly, and it was one I will probably never forget. You could hear the soothing roar that arose from the hundreds of prayers being lifted up to the Lord simultaneously.
In all things we know that
we are more than conquerors
you keep us by your love
you keep us by your love
I was reminded tonight to simply seek God. I keep trying to figure out me and my plans. And I've been making pro-con lists and weighing every nook and cranny of every option. I'm a very impatient person, and am often a little compulsive when it comes to decision making. So I often result to choosing the first option that comes to my mind, whether it be the right one or not. I don't care; I made a decision and I didn't have to think hard about it.
Tonight I was blessed by the presence of my ever patient friend who sat and listened to me ramble about college and life and such. I keep trying to analyze life analytically. Everything has become black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. But I'm looking at things in the wrong way. And I need to go to God. I need to seek Him in everything. Back in August the seniors in my youth group decided that our goal for this year was to simply seek God; to seek Him first and to seek Him in everything.
I don't know where He will take me next year and what the Lord has planned for me. Uncertainty scares me. But I need to rest in the Lord, and who He is. He is greater than all my fears.
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34
Tonight I was blessed by the presence of my ever patient friend who sat and listened to me ramble about college and life and such. I keep trying to analyze life analytically. Everything has become black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. But I'm looking at things in the wrong way. And I need to go to God. I need to seek Him in everything. Back in August the seniors in my youth group decided that our goal for this year was to simply seek God; to seek Him first and to seek Him in everything.
I don't know where He will take me next year and what the Lord has planned for me. Uncertainty scares me. But I need to rest in the Lord, and who He is. He is greater than all my fears.
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34
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