
Reminds of His faithfulness: The hero.

Hayley and I always joked about being super-heroes. She was always more serious about it than me, but I went along anyways. When I tell others about Hayley, I always talk about the way she loves. How for her it is a passionate pursuit of people that mirrors for others what Christ has done for us. Sometimes you hop in Hayley's car and end up doing things you never imagined yourself doing. Some call her NT's chauffeur, but I call her NT's hero. 

The Lord calls people to different things, to different people. For Hayley, He has called her for this time to us in Nenamoosha. Because for her, Nenamoosha isn't about being in a tribe, it's about an opportunity to show others the sacrificial perfect love of Christ.

For about three weeks this fall, Hayley Nelson was for the most part, in charge of NT. I remember the way she described our pledges back then, before we even knew who they were. She told us that like a women who is pregnant has never seen her child, she loves our pledges even though we have never seen them. Maybe that was weird to some, but for me it was a perfect picture of our tribe, as a family.

Hayley has no fear, as all good heroes. She's not afraid to tell people who they are, to encourage them, and push them out of their comfort zone. Because she did that with me, which ended up with me on my knee's before my tribe praying for my little, praying for Lynley.

Hayley believes in those around her. She sees their potential, no matter where they are. Her passion for film spurs her to show us who we are, reminding us that there is beauty in what we do. She may not know what she's going to do with her life, but I know what she's going to do. She's going to love  passionately showing others through her words and actions that Jesus Christ is the only hope we have in life and that He has saved us from our sin, restoring us into a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Hayley is strong, which makes her able to withstand challenging circumstances. She is bold, which makes her a good leader. Hayley is encouraging, speaking truth into those around her.

Hayley truly is as her name is.
Hayley Nelson is a hero.

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