I think what's rocked my world the most lately is the fact that I'm slowly realizing that I'm going to college in a few short months. Let's be honest. I never really thought I was actually going to go to college. Not in a I'll never get in kind of way but in a that's so far off, I don't think it will actually happen kind of way. But here I am, heading to MC in just a few short months. My life in Houston will cease to exist. I'm moving. And moving on.
Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked. I sometimes find myself in class just daydreaming about being up at MC. But Houston is all I've known. It's always been home.
There's always been Monday night players rehearsal where Margaret tells me the newest story about something that happened at her school. There's always been donut Fridays in biology. There's always been Impact, and Camp Tallowood.
But when did I find myself driving down my street looking at my ten year old neighbor who I used to babysit when she was four? When did I find myself getting letters about senior recognition Sunday at church?
Life is moving fast. Faster than I can seem to keep up with. I was never supposed to go to college. I was never supposed to graduate high school. But maybe it's about time.
Lord, lead the way.
MC for sure? Crazy! Just as I move back haha
yesm! Seriously, I know. We are switching places.
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