My time at 935 Echo Lane has officially ended; yours, on the other hand, has just barely begun. I'm not great at giving advice, but there are some things you should know about good old MHS before you ever step foot in those color coded hallways.
It's a unique school, not like any other. To get the most out of it, you must first understand those who makes up the school. We are often stereotyped or people come in thinking they know what we're all like. And yes, some people do fit the stereotype, but they're a very small minority. And then there are many who seem like they are the stereotypical "Memorial girl" on the outside. They might have the big house, a lot of friends, or a nice car, but do not be fooled by appearances. Don't take them for what's on the outside. Give them the benefit of the doubt. I judged a lot of people in my grade throughout high school only to find out that one girl struggled from the most vicious insecurity that lead to an eating disorder, one girl lost her aunt a week before graduation and was torn up over it, or that the talkative girl in the front of my english class tried to kill herself, twice.
So don't you ever judge them. For if you do, you will find yourself sitting in your english class on the last week of your senior year broken over those who struggled with abusive parents or parents who passed away, because you never got over your pride and gave any of them a chance.
Never tell yourself that you can't do anything. Once you say it, it's true, and only because you told yourself you couldn't. Learn to discern between the voice of the Lord and that of Satan's. Satan wants to destroy those who can do the most for the Lord, and those who are threat to him. So he'll probably try to mess with your head. He'll probably say you're not good enough to be friends with so and so. He'll put a mean thought in your head about the girl next to you. He'll tell you that you can't do something, and that you will never feel apart of something. Don't believe him. I did, and it destroyed my relationship with God. Captivate your thoughts, stay in close contact with the Lord and you'll be fine.
Don't forget to just enjoy yourself. For when you have two lab reports to write up, a vocab test the next day, a map due for world geography, and a pile of laundry waiting to be done, remember that in the end, nothing matters but the Lord. So every once in a while, let the homework sit for just a few more minutes, tell yourself that wearing those jeans again without washing them isn't so bad, and grab a good book, finish that movie you've been meaning to, or call up that friend you've been saying you'll have coffee with them for forever now, because once the hats go up in the air at graduation you might look back and wish that you had enjoyed life a little bit more.
Don't worry about college. Don't do things just to put on your resume, do the things that you love. Dont' get discouraged when you fail or when things don't go your way, we all have been there.
But above all, love the Lord and pursue Him constantly. Don't ever be ashamed of yourself or try to be someone your not. If you be yourself, you just might be surprised at the responses you get. Let the Lord shine through you. Smile and laugh alot, it's good for you.
And yes, the great state of Louisiana might separate us, but I'll always be one phone call away.
your sister,
Great blog!!! I'll remember that and yes, you really are great at giving advise. I know we'll enjoy our summer time together but when its time to say goodbye the water works are coming. But I'll remember the phone call is always there. You have leterally changed my life. You are so amazing and don't forget it. I know you'll make tons of friends at mississippi college and I can't wait to meet them when I come visit in September. Thanks for always being there. I love you more than you will ever know.
Your sister, Kelly
Great blog!!! I'll remember that and yes, you really are great at giving advise. I know we'll enjoy our summer time together but when its time to say goodbye the water works are coming. But I'll remember the phone call is always there. You have leterally changed my life. You are so amazing and don't forget it. I know you'll make tons of friends at mississippi college and I can't wait to meet them when I come visit in September. Thanks for always being there. I love you more than you will ever know.
Your sister, Kelly
Whoops! Posted twice!!!
Good Words.
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