
Seniors 2011:)

So here I am. The beginning of my senior year. I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. I found myself this summer in a similar situation. It was no cliff, but a tree to be exact. I was standing on a small three by three wooden board on the top of a very tall but sturdy tree. I was doing the superman at my camp as they call it. The counselor assisting me up there was making sure all my ropes and harnesses were secured as I awkwardly made small talk. Seeing that I was nervous he asked to pray over me. I knew in those moments as he prayed that if I didn't run and jump off as soon as he said go I would never do it. After he finished praying he gave me a moment to collect myself and then said one, two, THREE. I closed my eyes and somehow jumped off.

Maybe that's what I have to do tomorrow. Just close my eyes, trust God, and do it.

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