My #1 Advocate
1. To glorify God; Above everything else, I want this to be my driving force. I want to be driven by what will make God's name known, and not seek to better myself.
2. To seek God; I want the Lord to reign sovereign in my life. I want to reach a point where He is enough for me.
3. To lose myself; I want to become selfless. College can not be about me. I want to wake up in the morning concerned less about myself than about God and His Kingdom.
4. To be myself; I've always tried to be someone I'm not. I desire to be the women the Lord created me to be, and to use the talents God gave me to serve Him.
5. To find community; I want to find a church that serves the Lord and plug into it. And not necessarily a church as in a building, but a community. I want to be apart of something like the early church in Acts.
These are my goals. And as long as Jesus leads, I'll follow Him wherever, even if that means I'm not necessarily going to be comfortable.
Life behind a lense
For our football team's playoff run, I have turned into a makeshift photographer for the newspaper as our photographers were busy elsewhere. Funny story is, I fell in love with photography, and was privileged with a front seat view to one of the most historic games in all of our schools history.
Taking photos at the football games has been a blessing. For the first time, I really saw my school. As a photographer, I had to be attentive to all that was going on around me. I had to be concerned with something other than myself, and I had to take myself out of the picture. The Lord showed me during these games, the people that I've spent the last three years with. He showed me their passion, their integrity, and their beauty.
Saturday's win was a surprise, but a good one. Standing on the field with about 7,000 people celebrating behind me in the stands as the clock winded down was an experience I will never forget. I felt like I was dropped in the middle of a movie like Remember the Titans or Facing the Giants. The front page of the Anvil is beautiful to say the least and has a nice, CAN'T TOUCH THIS, headline.
Senior year has sent me searching for my identity. But I'm thankful that the Lord has finally gripped my heart and grabbed my attention. I'm finally listening, and uncovering who I really am. Everything that I've fought for so long, I am now accepting, and accepting with gladness. I've been asking the Lord "where do you want me to go?". And I think He just might be calling me to say right where I am, in a sense. What does all this mean? I don't know, I'm just 18. I don't have all the answers. But thankfully, I know someone who does.
In front of me was a pond. It was a large pond, almost a mini-lake. To my right rested a cabin on the lake, while directly in front of me on the other side was an old, very small chapel. In the middle of the pond was a land bridge, so to speak. And on this land bridge were about seven to ten light posts, about waist high, each with a brightly lit lamp.
This represented my life and how the Lord was never going to leave me in the dark. He already has my path laid out, I just have to trust Him and walk in the way of the light. Right now, I'm standing at a crossroads. I've hit a fork in the road. And the Lord has not lit the next lamp, yet. But I have to trust that He will and that wherever He leads, I will follow.
I've always loved the song Healing is In Your Hands by Christy Nockels. On Sunday, our worship band played that song in church. And I look to my right and see my amazing/wonderful youth minister with tears streaming down her face. At that point, I didn't know the entirety of her situation. I knew she was having medical issues with her heart, and I knew she was going to have heart surgury. I was just not aware that it was going to be this Friday, in San Diego. And that she was also leaving that Sunday night for San Diego. But I knew she was going through alot. And I could see that she was trusting the Lord with all she had. I could see it in her face and the way she sang. I want to have faith like her. Faith where I can stand and look at a huge obstacle and challenge and look at my God and know fully that He has everything under control. I strive to be able to trust God like that.
In Sunday school, we go to our separate departments as usual and our leader talked about asking the Lord for things. Mainly what we should ask God for and why we should ask Him for those things. It all came down to what glorified God, which I'm finding that God's glory is what almost everything in life comes down to if not everything. But then our teacher gives us each a nametag and asks us to write our name on it and what we want to ask the Lord for.
We then proceed to the gym and find that every other grade in our youth group doing the same thing and also that our parents are in the gym. We then as a grade circled up and each of parents prayed over us. It then basically went into a free for all type thing where anyone could pray for anyone. Keep in mind that our nametag with our request is on the back of our shirts so that as people come and pray over us they will A. know our names and B. know what to pray for us. Also this is all going on simultaneously. And let me tell you, it is an amazing thing to get prayed over, and to get prayed over over and over again for a period of about 10 minutes. It is an experience that I can not convey through words. The sound that echoed from the gym was heavenly, and it was one I will probably never forget. You could hear the soothing roar that arose from the hundreds of prayers being lifted up to the Lord simultaneously.
In all things we know that
we are more than conquerors
you keep us by your love
you keep us by your love
Tonight I was blessed by the presence of my ever patient friend who sat and listened to me ramble about college and life and such. I keep trying to analyze life analytically. Everything has become black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. But I'm looking at things in the wrong way. And I need to go to God. I need to seek Him in everything. Back in August the seniors in my youth group decided that our goal for this year was to simply seek God; to seek Him first and to seek Him in everything.
I don't know where He will take me next year and what the Lord has planned for me. Uncertainty scares me. But I need to rest in the Lord, and who He is. He is greater than all my fears.
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:33-34
Life for me has become routine. I'm into that part of the year where I've got everything down to a schedule. My days are essentially the same. And I'm ok with that, I like to be comfortable. I know what everyday will look like, and what activities I have on every day. My weeks have even become routine, Monday:players, Tuesday: tutor, Wednesday: impact, etc. My life is predictable, which I'm fine with. I operate well under a schedule. But I've become so robotic about things that the Lord has slid to the side. There's not a paper on Him due tomorrow, or a test over the Bible Thursday so I haven't made Him a priority.
Time has gotten away from me. Monday has turned into Tuesday which turns into Friday which turns into Monday. I'm so focused on what is literally right in front of my that I haven't cared about the Lord. I haven't really talked with Him in a while. I'm going with the plan of trying to work Him into my schedule, as if mine was more important. But the reality is that I need to work my life around His. I so often get the wrong, and I treat the Lord just like I do my homework, something to be checked off a list.
I'm learning how to be humble, and to realize that I need the Lord everyday. I think my problem lately has been that I've been stuck in this OK phase. Nothing extremely bad has happened while nothing extremely good has either. So I buy into this lie that I don't need the Lord.
But our God is not a pocket God. We can't just pull Him out when we want Him to do something. He wants a daily and personal relationship with us. This is a lesson I need to understand, and to put into practice.
My life is not ordinary. I have been saved by undeserved grace. Christ has set me free. I so often forget this. I forget who my God is and without Him my life becomes routine.
I need to remember, I so badly need to remember.
"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after that." Deuteronomy 4:9
I think that the whole check out process at a store is very awkward in itself. The cashier just stands there as I fumble through my wallet to find where I last put my credit card. I never know what to do with my receipts. Thank you captain obvious for telling me how much I just paid. What am I supposed to do with this now? I guess if I was really concerned I would log all my purchases in some sort of fashion. But that would actually take effort, none of which I clearly posses.
I hate paying in cash. Not only do I rarely have any cash with me, but sometimes I have more than needed. And I feel bad paying for my 54 cent slushie at sonic with a 20 dollar bill. And then when the cashier gives the change back he or she puts the bills on bottom, the receipt on top of that, and then the coins on top of the receipt. Seriously. A. why are you giving me a receipt? I just payed in cash and B. I would really just like my change, together...in one place, preferable with the receipt on bottom.
Good thing I'm not in a hurry. I'll just hang out here while I get all the change back into my wallet and sort through the unorganized mess you just handed me.
I'm hiding. Hiding behind smiles, and laughter, and walls. I don't want people to think I'm uncool (how lame does that sound?). I guess I have this thought in my head that since I'm a senior and a "leader" I have to have it all together. And it has driven a huge wall between me and the Lord. I have refused to go to the Lord because I'm afraid. Afraid that He'll see all the times I have failed this year. All the times I have been a crappy newspaper editor. All my insecurities, all my moments of pride and anger. I'm afraid He'll really see me. He'll see all the gunk in my life.
I also don't want other people to see that. I don't want people at church to see that I'm struggling. I don't want people at school to see I'm struggling with my faith. But the truth is, I've bought into one of Satan's lies and he has been able to reek havoc on my spiritual life.
Today I was humbled. And realized, in front of my whole english class, that I'm not secure in who I am. People for the first time got a glimpse of the real me. Not the confident Mary Helen I pretend to be, but the real me. And in a weird way it was freeing. I finally learned to just be me, because we're all not as cool as we present ourselves to be. We're all just as insecure as the person next to us.
I also was reminded that God chose me. And that I am His. God's love for me is ferocious. He is jealous for me. And He doesn't care how much I've messed up or how many times I've let Him down. He still wants to talk to me and be in a relationship with me. His love is so strong.
My counselor wrote a really sweet blog about insecurity through an experience she had lately. You should check it out, it's definitely worth your time.
1. Get my thoughts straight in my head.
2. Somehow communicate those thoughts to those reading this.
3.Figure out what to do my Anglo-Saxon boast about for English.
4. Find some rollie pollies.
5. Figure out a title for my newspaper article.
6. Go to bed.
7. Be in B lunch.
8. Travel.
9. Finish my college essays.
10. Meet Lauren Graham, or the Duggers. Either one really.
I am...
Bad move. I once heard someone say that comparison is the thief of joy. And they are totally right.
Once I started to look around and see people around me and how much passion and fulfilment they seemed to have in whatever they did, I became jealous. They could define their life. They had something. And I began to question myself. I tried to identify myself with something of the world, some activity that I could do. I so badly wanted to have a passion like my friends had.
I became frustrated with God. I felt left out. Everyone else had something that I didn't.
People always say that Jesus needs to be enough, and that He is enough. This is one of the hardest concepts to grasp. I say that because I have yet to even begin to understand the concept of Him being enough. I run in so many other directions looking for fulfilment.
I think my problem was thinking that I am who I am because of me. I was looking for my heart somewhere in the world, yet didn't realize that it was already with the Lord.
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart Lord take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above.
Empty handed.
The Anvil
I logged on to twitter to find that quote sitting on my home page. I then preceded to look up the definition for anvil.
Anvil (noun): a heavy iron block with a smooth face, frequently of steel, on which metals, usually heated until soft, are hammered into desired shapes.
I don't know if you know a lot about me or none at all. But for starters, I am the assistant editor of my high school newspaper this year. And this past week was my first week back at school. Our newspaper is having mounds of problems. I feel like it is holding on by a string. It has been the source of many, many frustrations this week. The things I'm dealing with in there are problems I didn't even know could exist. I feel like everything that could go wrong, has. I don't even know if our first issue is even going to come out.
Our newspaper is called The Anvil. I don't know about you, but I'm taking this quote very literally at the moment.
This morning my Sunday school teacher told me that maybe all this is happening for some reason and to trust in God's plan. I've been wanting to believe that this week. I so badly wanted that to be my attitude and my response. But it hasn't.
I don't think God could have spoken to me any more clearer. Anvils shape things. God is trying to shape me right now, but lately I've been stubborn. I love the end of that quote. God is shaping us for higher things. I'm a huge sucker for metaphors so I'm kind of bouncing off the walls at this moment. If this is cheesy to you, I'm sorry, but it's freaking me out. I'm blown away by God. He has crafted my life and the things I participate in down to perfection. I love the hope God offers us in trials and how He tells us to rejoice in them.
"Not only so, be we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proven genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:6-7
I've been feeling hurt a lot this week because of many things. I've felt abandoned. I've spent most of this week questioning God asking what exactly ARE you doing? I was listening to the radio one day and the song Before the Morning by Josh Wilson came on and I fell in love with it. The lyrics describe perfectly what God has been saying to me all week. Here is the chorus:
Would you dare, would you dare to believe
that you still have a reason to sing
cause the pain that you've been feeling
can't compare to the joy that's commin
so hold on, you got to wait for the light
just press on, and fight the good fight
because the pain that you've been feeling
is just the dark before the morning.
It's a pretty sweet song, and it was just what I needed to hear. I needed to quit throwing myself a pity party and trust God and His plan. I needed to snap out of my selfish thinking and look around. I needed to trust and hope in God again. Sometimes I wonder why God even continues to take me back. Why He even stands there with His arms open wide telling me He doesn't care where I've been or what I've done. But I'm so thankful for my God and the hope He so graciously gave me so that even in trials I have a reason to rejoice.
Seniors 2011:)
Maybe that's what I have to do tomorrow. Just close my eyes, trust God, and do it.
As I got home from babysitting, my mom was up waiting for me. But as I made the small 15 second walk from my car to the back door I realized something. My mom was watching for me. She knew when my car drove up in the front of our house. She normally greets me at the back door asks me a few questions, and if it is really late usually just lets me mosey up to my room. But usually she'll want to know the who, what , when, etc.
It was in those moments that I got a glimpse of my heavenly father. How He waits up for us, when we've gone out to do our own things. He's always home. He's watching out for us, and wants to know what's going on in our lives. He wants to hear us tell Him where we've been.
As I was walking to the back door I never felt more secure. I knew nothing was going to happen to me. My mom was looking out for me just like The Lord watches out for us. In Him we find our security, and our protection.
I never knew that my parents never could sleep untill I came home from events and such. Likewise God's not going to fall asleep on us. God stands vigil over us. He's not going anywhere.
School starts Monday. I might post more later about that. But in short I've been scared of losing God when school happens. I'm afraid I might chase other things besides Him. But seeing my parents tonight and how faithful they are to me brought to my mind the truth that God is faithful. Such a simple concept, but it's a pretty sweet one to hold onto.
Marge goes to camp(and San Diego)
Well she came back again this year.
And she was pumped. Haha.
I then had the amazing privilege to spend 11 strait days with her in San Diego. I learned there that she is actually a combination of a four year old and a very old wise person, and that she is a great friend.
One night we ate dinner at Smash Burgers and I accidentally ordered a salad with blue cheese. And when I received it, it not only had blue cheese, but was covered in it. Margaret, seeing that I was essentially not eating my salad, offered to trade(even though she too did not have an incling toward the stuff). So I got to eat her blue cheese free salad, while she picked through my infested one. It seems now as I'm writing this not a big deal, she switched salad's with me, so what? But at that moment, I couldn't have been more grateful. In that small act she sacrificed something of hers for me. I saw that true friendship is not about me, and what I can get out of it, but what I can give to others.
I'm just going to take a moment and brag about Marge. She's probably going to kill me for this. She has a great attitude, one that I strive to have. In those eleven days in San Diego, where we were never more than six feet from each other, I learned that she has a great heart for the Lord. On the trip we wrote letters to each other and swapped them every other day. Through those letters we grew as friends. We were able to tell each other things through writing that we normally wouldn't say out loud. We got to the gist of things. It was our friendship at its core. I don't deserve her friendship, but I'm so thankful for it. She probably has way cooler people to hang out with than me.She even let me put her hair in pigtails. So here is the proof she actually is a four year old prodigy.
yeah that's what I thought. At one point this summer I began to break before the Lord, more like crack because I've recently realized that I'm no where near done with that process. God still has more things that I've got to deal with. I don't like it. It was neat for a while, but now it's just not something I want to deal with. I'm done being vulnerable.
I pray that He will help me have the same attitude of the psalmist in psalms 139:23-24.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
The Lord's been saying "Wake up. Look at me. At my plan. Not the world's. What have you been buying into? What is the world selling to you? A nice life? Good retirement? What are you working for? Is it for me or for yourself?"
Jesus changes everything. His life, the salvation we have in Him changes everything. All our thoughts, all our actions.
So much is in my head. And I've been doing a lot of talking this summer. A lot of writing. Now it's time for some doing.
I could sit here and make promises till the end of the earth. I could swear that I'm not going to mess up. I'm not going to bye into satan's lies. I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to.
But I'm human. And I'm slowly realizing my depravity and my need for Christ. Sometimes I consider Christ a nice addition to my life, that He is not really essential. But that couldn't be more far from the truth. We are wretched. And there is nothing more in life that we need than Christ.
I tell you this because I'm excited. In Philippians 2 Paul writes "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."
I've been in a state of trembling all day. Because I'm scared. I want to head down the path that leads to Christ. I want to glorify His name. I want to seek God. But school is starting. And I need help. I need Christ. I don't want this year to be about me, and my plans, and my grades, and my status. I want to spend less time this year worrying about me and more about the Lord.
I'm afraid. Afraid of becoming a hypocrite. Of people reading this and seeing no change in my life and therefore ignoring all that I have just said. That's what scares me. But I know that God is working in me just like it says in Philippians.
"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 5:14b
A little bit of everything.
I've reached a point where the Lord is asking me the question of whether or not I really trust Him. I have my life planned out in my head (or at least the next year). To me everything seems to fit perfectly. The puzzle pieces are all lined up. My plans for this year, my plans for next summer, college(sorta). I was thinking tonight what if the Lord shattered my plans. My mom always told me not to play what if, but the though really struck me. God knows what's going to happen in my life. His plan is perfect, but do I really believe that? Especially if His plans don't line up with mine. It always scares me to think that things won't work out the way I want them to, but when that happens I find myself in the shelter of the Most High which I've found is a pretty sweet place to be.
I read a really cool quote the other day about scripture that said "I picked up a Bible. I waited for that nice rush that comes from holding a worn, loved copy of the Scriptures. Bibles like that have their own heat. They've been prayed over, cried on, sung with, stroked and gripped and loved so hard they just emote-just by being touched-that human loam and steam and hope that faith gives off." Beth Moore wrote in response to this "Think how thankful you are that God wrote something you can hold to your chest, rock back and forth, when your heart is shattered and your sight too blurred to read." In this bible study I'm in we've been studying a book alongside the scripture. And today we were talking about the book Radical (which by the way is a fabulous book) and we were getting somewhere. But once we pulled out our bibles and started to pick apart this one passage the whole atmosphere changed. It really struck me in that moment how powerful God's word is. Our pastor once said "a person's Bible that is falling apart, life usually isn't".
The passage we looked at today was from John 13. It was when Jesus washed his disciples feet. My youth minister had us imagine that scene, the emotion, and the feelings of the disciples. I saw the love of Christ and how Christ was the ultimate picture of humility. He was willing to serve them, to sit and wash their feet. And then he said in verses 14-15 "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one an other's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done." Christ gives us a cool challenge here. I've been thinking lately about friendship and how it's not about what you get out of it but what you give. I want to follow Christ's example here and love others like He did. I want to serve my friends, my family, and other believers.
So I never know how to end these blog posts. I feel like I should wrap up everything into a nice neat little bow or do a curtsy. I feel the need to say something like "I'm struggling with this, but don't worry I've got it under control" even when I don't. I haven't got much figured out.
(Insert well-written ending here).
I have learned today...
Where to start?
San Diego.
Being content.
The Best Laid Plans.
This is where the healing begins.
Found in You.
But in the past 14 days or so I cried. And I laughed. And I danced. And jumped. And wept. And broke.
Well, it was a rainy weeks at the Shores. It poured everyday except Sunday and Monday. And I was probably the only one who enjoyed that. I had never been at Pine Cove when it rained before. In fact, it has never been anything but blue skies and sunshine as far as I can remember. But I experienced a new side of Pine Cove this week, and from that a new side of the Lord.
If you've never been to the Shores, it's gorgeous to say the least. I'll try to post a picture sometime so you can get what I'm talking about. Basically the whole camp is on a hill or incline per say and at the bottom is Lake Palestine. And normally on a clear non-raining day you can sit on the shore and see the other side of the lake. It's far away but you can see that there are houses and civilization on the other side. Essentially, you can see the other side.
But when a storm hits all you see is what looks like a mist. And the other side of the lake disappears. You can't see the other side.
I know I'm walking into a whirlwind. I know life with Christ is a struggle and a fight. Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith". I know there is a storm waiting for me. And it's going to mess up plans. And at points I'm not going to be able to see God's plan or the other side of it.
But I have a refuge. And I need refuge. Just like we took shelter at PC from the rain so The Lord needs to be my refuge.
I'm learning so much. I'm wrestling and searching and digging. And I'm loving it. But I'm also scared because I'm finding things that I don't want to deal with right now. The Lord is breaking down walls I've hid behind for years and I'm afraid to be vulnerable. I'm afraid that I won't look like I have it all together, cause I don't. I'm a mess. But I've learned that being a mess does not keep us from Christ or from having faith in Him.
I'm thankful that I encountered The Lord and that I'm not the same person I was two weeks ago. I want to continue to grow. And I want more of Christ.
Wherever You Lead.
The one with the letter
A little injustice and a lot of information.
I met Margaret in 7th grade. A game of water hockey on a scotch guarded tablecloth and a little bit of fate brought us together. We soon moved on to 8th grade where we seemed to compete for a very important spot at a table-the head. And usually I got creepy glances if she beat me to it. Thus our friendship started. And thus middle school ended.
Now, you're probably wondering why there are so many pictures of Margaret Winchell with a muskmelon? (and what IS a muskmelon for crying out loud?). Well if you must know, well, just see for yourself.
So there you have it. You have now been introduced to the most interesting person I know. Stay tuned. Next up? Marge goes to camp. I'll leave you in suspense...
Romans 5:3-8
Spring Break
So here are the lyrics to the last part of the song Gratitude by Nichole Nordeman. This is what I'm striving for, to reach a place in my relationship with God where I can say that no matter what God, I'm going to be thankful, because truly God, with you, I am blessed.
Oh, the differences that often are between
What we want and what we really need
So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that's the case . . .
We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if You never grant us peace
But Jesus, would You please . . .
But the whole time I was in freak-out mode, the holy spirit kept whispering in my head "Be still and know that I am God." I just kept ignoring it. My youth minister was talking about that verse the Wednesday before. But I don't think I really understood what that verse meant till Friday. I love the second part of the verse "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted among the earth".
You see, I always thought that verse was about me. That the whole "be still" part was just God's way of saying that everything will work out in my favor if I just would sit still for awhile. But on Friday I realized how wrong my thinking was. God's plan is going to prevail, not ours. In the end, God's going to be exalted, not us. I'm on the drama team at my church and so many times when we get up there to preform I start to think about me, and my lines, and how I will look. That's when I start to get nervous, because I'm worried about me and my reputation. But God is the whole reason I'm up there, to glorify Him, not me.
So on Friday while I sat in Physics worried about my grades, and my reputation, and my life I lost God, and that's when everything came crashing down. When I forgot God. One day I was reading my counselor's blog and she was talking about how being overwhelmed is a choice. And on Friday I definitely chose to be overwhelmed.
I'm slowly learning how to lean on God and it's a daily struggle. To seek Him wholeheartedly and let everything else fall into place. I love to be in control and handing over the reigns to God has been an uphill battle. I'm just thankful for a God who doesn't give up on me, even when I give up on Him.
"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:11